BBClone - A PHP based Web Counter on Steroids
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BBclone needs to be tested on various platforms. Hence it may not work with every configuration. It is known to run on Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux and MacOs X, but is likely to run on most Unix flavors, too. Windows 95/98/ME are unsupported.
  • BBClone 0.6.0 requires at least PHP 4.0.4 (4.0.6 and higher recommended for full functionality). All previously released iterations of BBClone (bbclone-sem, bbclone-dio and bbclone-old) have been unified to one release in oder to simplify the process of installing BBClone


bbclone 0.8.0.tar.bz2

bbclone 0.8.0.tar.gz

bbclone 0.8.0-001.spk BBClone for Synology Disk Station DSM 4.x

bbclone 0.8.0-002.spk BBClone for Synology Disk Station DSM 5.x

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bbclone-nightly-build.tar.gz Developer version Developer version